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tunic fox

TUNIC Randomizer

An extensive mod for TUNIC, an action-adventure game about a tiny fox in a big world. Featuring randomization of every item and enemy, hints, enhanced fox customization, custom items, and much, much more!

Game Modes

Choose between a classic randomizer experience or Hexagon Quest.

Classic Randomizer

Find the three Hexagon Keys and Take Your Rightful Place or Share Your Wisdom to finish.

Hexagon Quest

Gold Hexagons are shuffled throughout the world. Find most of them and visit The Heir to finish.

Logic Options

Customize your randomizer experience to your liking. Must be set before starting a new game.

drawing of fox and heir fighting with swords

Sword Progression

Replaces the stick / swords in the item pool with four "Sword Upgrades" that progressively level up.

drawing of fox praying

Shuffle Abilities

Locks prayer, (most) uses of the Holy Cross, and the Ice Beam until the respective manual pages are found.

drawing of fox with sword

Entrance Rando

All entrances, doors, and portals become randomly connected to each other! Who knows where you'll end up?

drawing of hexagon key

Keys Behind Bosses

Choose if the three Hexagon Keys are randomly shuffled or placed behind their respective boss fights.

Hint Options

Optional settings that add hints for progress to the game.

Items and Chests Match

All free-standing items will have their model swapped to their randomized item. Chest textures will also be swapped to match the item inside, including Fairies, Treasures, the three Hexagons, and the Hero's Laurels.

Ghost Foxes

Spawns 15 ghosts around the world that give hints, including the locations of useful non-progression items, items in hard-to-reach locations, and barren locations. There are over 50 unique spawns, all with their own custom dialogue!

Path of the Hero

Places a major hint at specific locations around the world towards major progression items.

screenshot of map at the location of the mailbox

First Step

The Mailbox will always give you a hint for a useful item that is not blocked by progression (or rarely, something to unlock a useful item).

drawing of the magic wand

Major Items

The Hero's Graves in East Forest, West Garden, and the Eastern Vault Fortress hint toward a major item (e.g, Orb, Wand) or ability (if Shuffling is enabled).

drawing of a hexagon key

Hexagon Keys

The Hero's Grave in the Swamp, the Monastery, and the Library will hint at the location of one of the three Hexagon keys—but which one?

drawing of the fox wearing the laurels

Hero's Laurels

The plaque on the statue inside the Sealed Temple will always hint the location of the Hero's Laurels.

Enemy Randomization

Randomly shuffles enemies when you load into a scene. Can be toggled at any point.

Extra Enemies

Choose whether or not to enable New Game+ and Dark World enemy slots to add more enemies into the mix for increased chaos.

Balanced Enemies

On: Enemies will only be replaced with an enemy of similar difficulty. Off: All enemy spawns are chosen randomly from the full pool of enemies.

Seeded Enemies

On: Enemy spawns will remain consistent per area. Off: Enemies will change every time you leave and come back to an area.

Fox Customization

Color and style your fox, even beyond the colors available in the changing room.

Random Colors

Fox colors will randomize when you enter a new scene or rest at a shrine.

Keepin' It Real

Toggles "Fox Sunglasses" on and off without needing to use the HC code.

Fox Color Editor

Opens an in-depth fox palette editor that allows you to create/save/load a custom color palette texture for the fox.

Use Custom Texture

When enabled, will always apply the saved custom texture to the fox. Note: Random Fox Colors should be disabled when using this setting or it may not work properly. The custom texture can be found under AppData in the same folder as the Spoiler log and Item Tracker file.

Other Features

Other cool features that make your randomizer experience that much more neat!

screenshot of progress tracker

Progress Tracker

A progress tracker is built into the inventory screen. Shows checks, pages, fairies, treasures, coins, abilities, and boss and key progress.

screenshot of the quick settings

Quick Settings

A small menu on the title screen allows you to change game mode and logic options and configure and share custom seeds and settings.

partial screenshot of the ending summary

Ending Summary

Upon finishing a run, a stats screen will show a detailed breakdown of your playthrough, including time in each area and timestamps for major item collection.

Other Settings

These options can be changed at any time throughout the game.

Bonus Upgrades

Makes the "golden treasure" items give a bonus level-up to certain stats on pick-up (not applied retroactively).

Cheaper Shop Items

Reduces the cost of the four randomized Shop items from 1000 to 300. Does not affect other Shop items.

Fool Traps

Enables traps that replace low-value money rewards and damage or add negative effects.

Skip Upgrade Animations

Rather than show an item pick-up animation for each collected, displays a banner description instead.

Laurels Location

Edit the Laurels location. Default is Random (within logic), but also the 6-coin, 10-coin, or 10-fairy checks.

Skip Item Popups

Rather than show an item pick-up animation for each collected, displays a banner description instead.

Enable All Checkpoints

Activates all checkpoints (Heir statues, bonfires, etc.) even if they are unpowered or broken.

Clear Early Bushes

Removes bushes in the very early game that gates the player out of some areas of the Overworld.

No Chest Interruption

Enemies will not be able to interrupt you while opening chests if this option is turned on.

Easier Heir Fight

Attacks deal additional damage to The Heir based on the total number of checks found.

Trunic Hints

Translates nearly all of the custom dialogue, hints, and other text into only "Trunic" characters.

Vanilla Mode

Starting mode that disables randomized items but keeps all of the other features of the randomizer.

Mystery Seed

Start a new game with completely randomized Randomizer settings.

Start with Sword

Spawn with a Sword in the inventory on New Game. Does not count towards Sword Progression.


Turn on this setting for a nice, if not nauseating, surprise!

Tips and Hints!

Stumped? Here are some clues for you! Try to help your friends if you can.

screenshot of bomb codes in manual

Bushes hate it when you use these codes.

screenshot of lantern

Now I can go east AND west.

screenshot of the shortcut in the swamp

Someone didn't do a very good job with this fence.

screenshot of the scavenger mask chest

This will never be below the Quarry.

screenshot of the fox outside of the library with the laurels

I got here without an orb!

screenshot of the locked door underneath the cathedral

Try opening this from the outside.

screenshot of the seeking spell from the manual

I can find a lot more than fairies now!

screenshot of the dancing fox in east forest

This can be spawned at any time of day.

screenshot of the fuse in southeast overworld

Prayer is the only way to church.


A two-step process to set up the Randomizer mod.

1. Install BepInEx
  1. Download this version of BepInEx—only this version of BepInEx will work correctly to load mods for TUNIC.

  2. Extract the zip folder into your game's install directory (likely C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\TUNIC). For the PC Game Pass version, extract the zip into the "Content" folder: C:\XboxGames\Tunic\Content.

  3. Launch the game and close it. This will finalize the BepInEx installation.

2. Install Mod Files
  1. Download the file from the latest release and copy the contents into BepInEx/plugins under your game's install directory.

  2. Launch the game again and, after a brief load, you should see "Randomizer Mod" in the upper-left on the title screen!

  3. To uninstall the mod, either remove/delete the TunicRandomizer.dll file from the plugins folder or rename the winhttp.dll file located in the game's root directory.

The multiworld version of the randomizer uses Archipelago and is a bit more complicated to set up. Please see the official instructions to full setup.


Add-on software or sites to help track your progress.

screenshot of emotracker


By SapphireSapphic, ScoutJD, Br00ty

EmoTracker is a standard, multi-game tracking software, and TUNIC is supported! To install, simply navigate to the package manager in EmoTracker, and search "Tunic", then hit download!

screenshot of the auto-tracker


By RadRingtail

A Windows-based auto-tracker to better facilitate tournament-style play and/or auto-tracking for streamers already comfortable with the game's logic and checks.

screenshot of the entrance tracker

Entrance Tracker

By ScipioWright

A web-based tool that helps you keep track of how entrances are connected when using the Entrance Randomizer option.

Community Links

Other ways to connect with the TUNIC enthusiast community.

Community Server

Whether you're interested in solo rando, multiworld rando, or you simply enjoy watching runs — this is a great place to become a part of the community and hang out with other fans.

Official Leaderboards

Speedruns for a randomizer? Sure! Rather than trying to be the best, we created leaderboards to let you track your fastest seeds and runs, compare them to others, and encourage you to try other settings!

Racetime.GG is a place where you can organise races online between people all over the world. It provides a simple, yet modern and secure platform to help you and your friends (or rivals) compete in real-time.

TUNIC Speedrunning

Want to learn how to speedrun this game? Maybe just looking to pick up some techniques to optimize your randomizer game? Look no further! We also have a website with extensive guides on most categories.